Friday, February 09, 2007

Anna Nicole Smith--2/8/07

Anna Nicole Smith known for not really accomplishing much in life died yesterday. She shot to fame first in Playboy and then for marrying a guy with one foot already in the grave. She had a reality show, has had a case go to the Supreme Court and was a snake oil pitchwoman at the end of her life. For some reason I felt the need to write two versions of the CITW Remix who knows why. Just another famous person who really was famous for nothing really. Its so much easier to write these things when an actor dies and actually has a decent career, but whatever here you go. I have a theory of what killed her I think it was a combination of Trimspa and extremely old man co.....well you can probably figure it out.

Goodbye Anna Nicole
Controversy knew you pretty well
You showed your stuff in Playboy
Married a rich grandpa history will tell
You crawled out of a fast food joint
With a dream in your hand
Had sex with an old dude
Then swindle him out of money again

And it seemed to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never know when to go
And get skinny once again
And it seemed like I did know you
An IQ like a kid
Your candle burned out long before
You unintelligible rambling ever did

Goodbye Anna Nicole
Trimspa knew you pretty well
You got fat and skinny again
“Trimspa, baby!” you would tell
You crawled out of nowhere
Got an E! show on your hands
I wondered what you were on
Talking in that baby voice again

And it seemed to me that you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Parlaying your fame
For doing nothing once again
And it seemed like I did know you
Since I was a high school kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your naked pictures ever did


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