Richard Pryor 12/10/05
Well overthe weekend Richard Pryor went to the big comdy club in the sky. Admittedly at my age I didn't hear too much of his early stuff the first time around but later on in his life. I did know he was from Peoria Illinois and I feel sorry for the guy for that fact alone. Anyway here it is CITW, Richard Pryor:
Goodbye Richard Pryor
Thought I knew you pretty well
You could swear a blue streak
Your albums sure would tell
You crawled out of Peoria
With a dream in your hand
Became a comedy legend
Why’d you do Superman III again?
And it seemed to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing when to say
Honky to Chevy Chase again
And I would have liked to know you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long beforeStir Crazy every did
One suggestion, change the last line to:
"Your candle burned out long before your hair ever did."
And, if you're young, then you don't recall either that not only was Pryor from Peoria, but he grew up over a whorehouse.
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