Thursday, June 10, 2004

Ray Charles 6/10/04

Legendary singer Ray Charles passed away today (6/10). I saw him in concert at least two times, maybe three. The guy was a showman for how old he was. It gets no better than that.

Goodbye Ray Charles
Thought I knew your music well
You had the talent to play the tunes
Grew up a blind kid played piano swell
You crawled out of nowhere
With dark glasses on your face
“Georgia on My Mind”, you had gray hair
Music history you have your place

And it seemed to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Sing America the Beautiful
Whenever you had a gig
And I would have like to know you
With you CDs I felt I did
Your candle burned out long before
“Hit the Road Jack” ever did

Saturday, June 05, 2004

Ronald Reagan 6/5/04

Well former President Ronald Reagan has passed away at the age of 93 of Alzheimer's. Looking back on Reagan it seemed like he was Pres for my entire childhood and looking back with a closer eye you could see the Alzheimer's even towards the end of his terms. I can remeber the microphones catching Nancy giving him hints as to what the next line in one of his speeches was while he was at the ranch in California. Well Ronald in special never before presentation I give you not one, oh no, not even two, but (imagine the Count from Seasame Street saying this next part) three three three CITW remix versions.

Goodbye Ronnie Reagan
Thought Bonzo knew you well
Actor then Governor of California
History would tell
You crawled out of Tinsel Town
To be President of this land
Then you got old
Couldn't remember speechs towards the end

And it seemed to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing when to say
Tear down this wall to Gorby again
And it seemed like I knew you
President when I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
You wife's "Just Say No" program ever did

Goodbye Ronald Reagan
The country new you well
You defeated peanut famer Carter
The released hostages would tell
You crawled out of nowhere
With Jelly Bellies in your hand
After you took a shot
Someone trying to impress Jodie Foster again

And it seemed to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing when to say
When Nancy stepped in again
And I would have liked to have know you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your aloof nature ever did

Goodbye Ronald Reagan
Hollywood did know you well
Had a wife woud seemed controlling
As history would tell
You crawled out of nowhere
With a party in your hand
Became a 80's icon
Then it went bad from there again

And it seemed to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing when stop inflation
Costing Americans jobs once again
And it seemed like i did know you
When I was just a kid
Communism seemed to burn out long
Before your Star Wars program ever did